Good Shepherd takes seriously God's call to feed the hungry.
Our Outreach looked a little different in 2020. We started off 2020 with a fun outreach event. Stephen Simon organized a concert on March 6 with Matthew Davis and Westbound Situation. The admission for this lively concert was an item for the various food cupboards. Lots of people came bringing in food and money to help feed the hungry.
Then, Covid hit. Early on in the Pandemic, our Vestry took a stance that we were going to focus on Feeding the Hungry as we anticipated a greater need during the current health crisis. We regularly gave to our three identified groups: Meals for Neighbors at Zion; Brian’s Angels; and Plainville Food Cupboard.
In addition, the Vestry occasionally supported Rita Stepka in her ongoing efforts to feed the hungry. Here’s Rita’s report:
Since the pandemic in March, I have been providing hot meals for Brian's Angels about once or twice a month. They serve an average of 30 people a day.
I would like to thank the vestry for their support. Recently they gifted a very generous amount so that I can keep cooking. The next date will be January 27th. Pat Stebbins, who runs the shelter, is very grateful to us and everyone who has been so thoughtful with donations.
I look forward to the day when we can worship together again in our beautiful church.
With love,
Rita Stepka
Dave Woodford and others also volunteered to help at the Meals for Neighbors at Zion. His report:
Good Shepherd Episcopal has remained active contributors to the work of Meals for Neighbors by regularly cooking meals for the clients until March and after March by fueling the food pantry and handing out boxes of goods weekly. Parishioners are regularly stocking up the food pantry and we have a designated shelf. Good Shepherd worked the Thanksgiving Day food drive-through.
Good Shepherd has also been active with Brian’s Angels, stocking them
with food and clothing for the homeless. In addition, Good Shepherd contributes
to the Plainville Community Food Pantry.
Dave Woodford
Another outreach event was the Chipmunk booklet that
Father Link and Sharon Hullar wrote. 100% of the money received for that will
be given to the three identified charities. In 2020, this raised $555.